Application Of Mind Map

Daily life

Mind mapping is a creative visual thinking tool that helps to structure, analyze, comprehend information and also generate new ideas simultaneously. A mind mapper taps the inherent power of human brain and is also proven to enhance the creativity and critical thinking ability of individuals. Mind mapping or creativity software is successfully used all over the world to yield beneficial results in both professional and personal life. This unique creativity software is designed to increase productivity in almost every sphere of life. For your convenience enumerated below are 4 most common ways in which the mind mapping can be helpful.

1. Brain Storming: Mind mapping allows extracting ideas from the brain and then capturing them on the paper without too much effort. It enables you to tap new innovative ideas and thoughts instantly that would otherwise been impossible. This process of rapidly recording and reviewing ideas facilitates you to establish connections and new relationships between different concepts. Representing ideas and information in a graphical way also boost up your creativity.

2. Improving Memory:
 Mind mapper techniques have also shown to improve your learning and memorizing capabilities. The figures, diagrams, images and colors used in mind maps helps to enhance the photographic memory of the brain. Mind mapping uses simple and short keywords instead of notes to represent information making it easier to recall. Additionally they also encourage association and connection between concepts.

3. Note Taking: Mind maps are the most effective tools to easily take notes during business presentations or class lectures. Using mapping techniques you can represent large and complicated information in the form of expandable and collapsible topic trees. You can also develop branches and sub-branches around the central topic to include further details. This helps you get more organized and easily recall any information by simply reviewing the maps.

4. Problem Solving: Another common use of mind mapping is for problem solving as it allows you to better structure and organize information. Using mind maps, you can prioritize tasks and focus on core issues first. This way you are in a better control of the problem and can also find the most suitable solution easily. Thus mind mapping improves your productivity and enables you to perform efficiently in all your future undertakings

To get a better idea about how mind map can help you, just play the video below

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